
Incentives for decentralized water, wind & solar power

Include the phrase: "Incentives for decentralized water, wind & solar power" on the California Pirate Party Platform / Foldover Promotional Flyer, among the list of CAPP descriptive bullet points about CAPP.


  • I suggest changing the word "decentralized" to "resilient"

    • AlexN ist dafür

      I second this to an extent. I do think that a house with a powerbank and solar panels that's off the grid is the preferable model (same with off-the-grid commercial buildings) but I think centralized power is still probably necessary in some cases (i.e. intensive factories/industrial areas?). I'm not entirely sure, but I do like resilient better.

    • michaelblum ist dafür

      "decentralized" is much easier to communicate in the current media space than "resilient". Centralized power will still be necessary for the short term at least and maybe even the long term as we increase power usage as well. As long as the centralized energy production is sustainable energy it should be fine.


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