
Dump MediaWiki in favor of using just Etherpad & Wordpress

Should we dump MediaWiki in favor of using just Etherpad + Wordpress?

There has been freeform discussion about this on the chat channels. Some of us feel that the wiki is redundant and suboptimal compared to the etherpad (in usability and inclusiveness), and that with the etherpad at one extreme and the Wordpress instance at the other, we do not need the wiki.

Currently we have:

  • pad.calpirateparty.org
  • wiki.calpirateparty.org

as well as various pages posted on the Wordpress instance at

  • www.calpirateparty.org


  • https://www.calpirateparty.org/etherpads/
  • https://www.calpirateparty.org/financials/

and also of course:

  • chat.calpirateparty.org


  • Could someone give in-depth details what these Mediawiki, Etherpad, and Wordpress are and what they are going to be used for

  • aaronburrsir ist dagegen

    Wildly and strongly disagree.

    Just look at the way you're greeted upon going to the wiki page for the first time vs going to the etherpad for the first time.

    The Wiki: http://i.imgur.com/WjKzael.png

    Etherpad: http://i.imgur.com/n4z8Xok.png and http://i.imgur.com/yTt0IdJ.png

    Additionally, etherpad requires our website editor to create hard links to various etherpad pages on our website. It's way too much to keep track of, and the presentation on our website is awful.

    Wiki on the other hand automatically creates links and we can easily link to other state/country pirate pages with easy when referencing any other rules or policies or platform discussions.

    Wiki is a great format that the lay person is well acquainted with, and etherpad just looks like an online notepad with no way to link to any other ethers (or at least no way thats super obvious to me).

    • the argument for visual familiarity is a strong one, I think. Everyone knows, more or less, how to navigate the wiki platform. Etherpad much less so. I've never used etherpad before, and thus the wiki interface is what I gravitate toward.


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