Dump MediaWiki in favor of using just Etherpad & Wordpress
Should we dump MediaWiki in favor of using just Etherpad + Wordpress?
There has been freeform discussion about this on the chat channels. Some of us feel that the wiki is redundant and suboptimal compared to the etherpad (in usability and inclusiveness), and that with the etherpad at one extreme and the Wordpress instance at the other, we do not need the wiki.
Currently we have:
- pad.calpirateparty.org
- wiki.calpirateparty.org
as well as various pages posted on the Wordpress instance at
- www.calpirateparty.org
- https://www.calpirateparty.org/etherpads/
- https://www.calpirateparty.org/financials/
and also of course:
- chat.calpirateparty.org
Could someone give in-depth details what these Mediawiki, Etherpad, and Wordpress are and what they are going to be used for